Faiz Karezi is a legendary name in the field of Mahali (folk) singing in Afghanistan. His name ringed to the ears of the thousands music lovers for many years. He is one of the most talented artists of Afghanistan, with a wonderful voice.
Faiz Karezi has gained music training under Great Ustad of Classical Music Lal Khan in Pakistan and learned Ghazal (lyric) and Classic singings there.
Faiz Karezi is born in the year 1953 in Kariz-e Mir, one of the beautiful villages of Kabul. In March of 1960 he attended to the Kariz-e Mir primary school, later on he enrolled in Qalai Moradbeg high school. During the high school participated Faiz in his school social and artistic activities as well as singing. Faiz Karezi's talent showed up and grew day by day and he became admired by his friends and schoolteachers in singing local and folk songs.
By the encouragement of school authorities and his audience he found himself in the group of local artists of his hometown. Very soon Mr. Karezi's fame defused to the city of Kabul and he find himself among many of his voice lovers. In the year 1978 Faiz Karezi appeared in Afghanistan Television. His voice and intonation in singing absorbed many lovers, and among the folk singers he became unique and King of the Folk Singers in Afghanistan.
Faiz Karezi has sung hundreds of songs and has many videos and tape-recorded cassettes as well as CD's. Like other Afghan artists, during unfortunate was leading in Afghanistan, he left his homeland and settled in Peshawar, Pakistan.
Because of his and his family protection from the Afghani rival groups, those had influence in Pakistan communities, Karezi couldn't find Pakistan a safe place for himself and his family, and therefor he flew to Sweden in April 2001. Now in Sweden, Faiz Karezi performs concerts and participates in Afghans wedding-ceremonies and many other Afghani gathering, in Sweden.
Faiz Karezi's Albums